Aaron Watts

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Washington DC

How did you get your start and develop an interest in Art.

I have drawn as long as I can remember. I had no formal introduction. I never had a desire to design clothing, but I love fashion illustration.  I would look at the clothing catalogs that came in the mail and would draw the clothes while I was sitting around at home. I like trying to duplicate patterns and fabrics and replicating any form of self-expression that's involved in making clothes.

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Where do you draw your artistic inspiration?

I draw inspiration from photography and film. I love illustration that has a cinematic quality to it.

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What is your process for creating a great illustration?

I usually take two or three source photos and sketch them out because makes it more interesting. I use the Procreate app for my work. I import the drawing into the app and color in the lines till the piece is complete. I also use the VSCO app. I like their filters and settings.


What challenges have you faced in your creative pursuit?

Working a full-time job and not being able to focus on creating art full time can be challenging but I work to find a balance.

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What’s next?

I am getting into animation. I am creating drawings for an animated short film.

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What quote or motto do you live your life by?

Life is chaos.

For more information on Aaron, please follow on social media at @johnpanic

antonio rainey